Challenges in the First Two Months

-supplementing the first week before enough milk came into feed Opal  

-sleeping! Opal didn't like to be put down and doesn't like to be alone.  She screams as though being tortured if put in her bassinet. 

-cradle cap! It got in her eyebrows for a while!  

-witching hour: Opal sometimes becomes a wild little screamer from 6-10pm

-consoling Opal any other way besides nursing--sometimes it seems impossible!  

-clipping her nails without cutting her! She's so squirmy but they're so sharp... 

-cleaning the lint out of her little clenched hands!



Favorite Things about Opal

Nicole: How she raises her shoulders and holds on with both hands to nurse--with eyes wide, wide open--when she's super hungry. Her extra-delighted smile when her mouth gets big and she hiccup-laughs. The pursed lip, big-eyed surprised face she made as a newborn. When she's sleeping and readjusts with her closed-mouth sleeping-hard face. Long cooing conversations. How she stretches her arms up straight when she's liberated from her swaddle in the morning.