Fourteen Months


-keys “keez”

-hats “dats” 

-putting things in the garbage, both when appropriate and when not (especially putting burst water balloons in the playground garbage)

-looking at pictures of herself, “Popal,” on everyone’s phones  

-dogs, as long as they aren’t too close, sticking her tongue out when their tongues are out 

-llamas, “lolololol” with the tongue  

-Kendrick Lamar’s “YAH.”

-socks “ocks”—pointing them out, calling things “ocks” that aren’t socks  

-glasses “aghses” 

-forks and spoons, which she does have words for but how to replicate them with letters? 

-pointing to things and asking what they are by saying, “is? is?” 

-eating entire mangoes  

-pointing to coffee and saying, “dot!” (Hot!) 

-playing in puddles and on the playground 

-asking for Mama (forlornly) and Dada (excitedly)

-using a straw  

-crackers “gack” 

-balls, balloons, bubbles  

-taking the right side of her diaper off as soon as it’s on 

-trying to snap her fingers

-pointing at babies and saying “bah-bay” 

-running away laughing when you try to put her jacket on or get her in the elevator  

-trying to help us out our shoes and socks on

-drinking from any adult vessel (glasses, Poland Spring bottle)

-being pulled around on a rug  

-the zoo! 



-the man in the mask who redid our bathroom (terrified her into a near catatonic state for an hour) 

-the car 

-being told no  

-not seeing Mama immediately upon waking up

-the bath!!!  

-not being allowed to hold open bubble bottles  

-being expected to use a sippy cup rather than a grown up cup  

-not exactly a dislike but she lost patience for books :(